About Historical Society of Nigeria

The Historical Society of Nigeria was established in 1955 at the University College Ibadan. The founding fathers include distinguished Scholars like Kenneth O. Dike and Abdullahi Smith. The current President of the Society is Prof. Samuel O. Aghalino FHSN (+234 803 943 5843) and General Secretary is Prof. Patrick Ukase. 

Membership of the Society is open to all persons genuinely interested and committed to the promotion of Historical scholarship in general and Nigerian History in particular.
New members will on admission pay the admission fee as in operation at the time of admission. New members will subscribe to the oath of membership as prescribed in the constitution of HSN

The aims and objectives of Society shall be:

  • to vigorously promote, support, strengthen and uphold the study of Nigerian History and Historical scholarship
  • to through advocacy and strategic interventions, assiduously pursue the provisions of Section 4 (1) at all levels of education in the country
  • to support individuals, institutions, government and non-governmental organizations in the establishment of all necessary structures that will enhance the study of History
  • to promote an enduring sense of history and historical consciousness amongst the citizenry
  • to conduct research into all aspects of Nigerian History and promote the publication of such research endeavor